mBIT Coach Certification

mBIT Coach Certification

Latest neuroscientific research shows that you have 3 brains! Undertake a game-changing training course and add the mBraining modality to your coaching certifications with this 4-day course. Rapidly becoming recognised for the power and flexibility it adds to a coaches’ practice; join the revolution for working ontologically and holistically. We have 3 separate intelligences operating in our bodies and each has learned patterns, which can either be aligned or unaligned. How our multiple brains communicate and operate with each other is vital for our congruence, happiness and success.
  • Based on the latest research

    Based on the latest research in neurogastroenterology, neurocardiology, cognitive neuroscience, behavioural psychology, NLP behavioural modelling and the synthesis of a range of ancient esoteric practices; this leading edge Coaching modality brings deep insights into how your multiple brains may produce conflict and what you can do to integrate them and enjoy fulfilling your potential.It is essentially different and more effective than other coaching models.

    Based on the latest research
  • Perfect training for every profession

    This training is perfect for Professional life Coaches, business coaches eexecutive coaches, counsellors, trainers and educators, leaders who wish to incorporate coaching as a leadership style, managers who want to be coaching as a manager , mentors and healthcare, business and sports professionals.  It is for anyone who aims to facilitate themselves or others to achieve what can only be achieved when the head, heart and gut are aligned and congruent.

    Perfect training for every profession
    Based on the latest research

    Based on the latest research in neurogastroenterology, neurocardiology, cognitive neuroscience, behavioural psychology, NLP behavioural modelling and the synthesis of a range of ancient esoteric practices; this leading edge Coaching modality brings deep insights into how your multiple brains may produce conflict and what you can do to integrate them and enjoy fulfilling your potential.It is essentially different and more effective than other coaching models.

    Perfect training for every profession

    This training is perfect for Professional life Coaches, business coaches eexecutive coaches, counsellors, trainers and educators, leaders who wish to incorporate coaching as a leadership style, managers who want to be coaching as a manager , mentors and healthcare, business and sports professionals.  It is for anyone who aims to facilitate themselves or others to achieve what can only be achieved when the head, heart and gut are aligned and congruent.

    What you can expect to Learn

    Contact us to book your place on the next course

    Of all the coach training courses available this is the coaching model you will benefit the most from learning.
    Be a pioneer at the forefront of this exciting and transformational field.

    Quotes from previous delegates