NLP Practitioner
NLP Live Virtual
By achieving your International NLP Practitioner Training Certification, you will take a major leap in your own development and the development of others. Your outstanding level of knowledge and skills will open so many new doors for you and you may even find yourself going in new directions, achieving new heights, which you never considered or even thought were possible, until now.
Qualified NLP Practitioners are some of the most sought-after skilled people in the world today. Both recognised in the corporate world and instinctively on a personal basis; their skills afford them the opportunity to become incredibly resourceful individuals with a passion for developing their own business and personal lives and also the lives of others.
By improving your communication and leadership skills; NLP will produce dramatic changes in the way you and your business perform. By increasing behavioural and communication flexibility, you will improve working as well as personal relationships – with business colleagues, your clients, friends and family. Learning to speak your customers’ language and truly predict their needs is a driving factor in loyalty and customer satisfaction. This leads to bottom-line benefits for your business.
How will it be for you, knowing you have been trained by registered, experienced and fully qualified NLP Trainers; to have received an internationally recognised certification in an NLP Practitioner Training by INLPTA and become a member of one of the largest NLP professional bodies in the world? You will, of course, be free to include your qualification on your business card, website, letter head, curriculum vitae (resume) and show everyone that you really care about communication excellence!
- The background of NLP, its history and developments since
- The NLP presuppositions and how these assumptions can benefit you
- How to be in an optimum learning state and using NLP elegantly
- Using language purposefully to achieve results
- Heighten your sensory acuity
- Discover the many unconscious signals that people transmit when they communicate
- Develop deep rapport with anyone; quickly, easily and ecologically
- Notice how we process and accept communication
- Learn to understand other’s viewpoint with perceptual positions
- Expand your vocabulary and understanding with modalities and predicates
- Increase your influence to assist change in under 5 minutes
- Understand, practice and become confident to change beliefs and habits using submodality distinctions to unlock
- Create elegant and powerfully positive anchors for yourself and others
- Discover the individual steps that people take or strategies they have to either motivate themselves or make decisions, such as buying goods
- Learn how people delete, distort and generalize in the way they speak and how this can give you clues to help them in dramatic ways
- Explore and experience how Milton Model language patterns can assist exquisite change
- Be able to re-frame elegantly and conversationally to help other people see things differently
- Create congruence and alignment so that all of your energies work to your benefit
- Deal effectively with un-useful emotions and limiting beliefs of the past, for the future you want
- Full colour delegate manual posted to you in advance
- Online sessions and breakout rooms with qualified NLP supervision
- certification on completion of INLPTA training hours
Reb Veale International NLP Master Trainer
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