Do you work to live or live to work?
The question may seem simple to answer! For those who are approaching retirement age it’s an important question that if the answer is, my life is my work, may be storing up some problems ahead!
We all need a purpose and we find it in different ways, understanding and acknowledging your motivations, recognising that you may well have been working hard to achieve others goals that you may have been for-filling for a number of years are a good place to start when thinking about you, your needs and aspirations in retirement.
As professional coaches we facilitate that space in which to explore test and challenge limiting beliefs, aspirations, ecology of changes you may be considering. One thing is for certain those who do best in retirement manage the transition period well, this period varies for each of us in duration but probably starts for many 10 years before we an to finish our full time working life.
How’s your transition going? Need some time and space to talk it through? Get more clarity and feel more relaxed about your future. Get in contact today for your free initial consultation and if you feel you will benefit from coaching to transition into the next phase of your life we would pleased to provide further coaching either by phone, Skype or face to face