Well that is likely to depend on what is important to you!
What we focus on increases, so if your focus is on results and achievement, that’s where your efforts will be concentrated. But then isn’t there a problem with that? Doesn’t it mean that you’re operating as an individual and that what’s important to you is your own personal success, to get what you want/ need.
That’s a very black and white way of looking at it and probably doesn’t represent the world accurately. However what many experience in the world is a lack of kindness shown to them by others.
Being kind doesn’t mean being nice! It means having a appreciation of another human becoming and having empathy with them.
In business, if you ask any leader/ manager if they would like to have more employees who are really engaged with the business, increased levels of innovation and contribution, they will always say ‘yes’. Yet how much time do they spend reflecting on what is important to them in work! When this question is posed, often the responses are quite shocking.
The levels of reflection can be quite revealing, from not at all, occasionally, to only when it goes wrong.
And when they do reflect, it’s often on process and procedures, on the outputs and the measurables.
What is often missing in their reflections, are relationships, their individual needs or those of the people who work in their teams.
So my question to ponder on is. What’s important to you and your managers? And how do you display that in your leadership behaviours?