It stands for multiple brain intergration technique. Why is it important to know about mBIT? Because we have several complex adaptive #neuralnetworks in our bodies, not just in our heads but also in our #heart and #gut.
So What!
So it’s not just our head brain that can figure out what we should do and how we should respond to our surrounding environment, opportunities and threats!
Bet you have never felt when your #heart is not in something, have you?
Bet you have never followed your #gutinstinct have you?
Of course you have, so you instinctively know they have value to you!
So why would you not want to find out how to use them more effectively? To make #wiserdecisions, because we all want that don’t we?
OK It’s time to find out more, first follow this link
then contact us Get a FREE copy of this book when you en-role.