Have you ever been torn between what you think, feel and do? If the answer to this is yes, then like most of us, you have experienced some form of internal conflict. When our thoughts, feelings and actions are not aligned, we are missing out on accessing the innate wisdom of our multiple brains. Recent neuro-scientific research confirms that we have complex, adaptive and fully functional neural networksin both our heart and gut….the scientific definition of a ‘brain’. The new field of mBraining (multiple Braining) describes how our multiple intelligences are each designed to work differently and how integrating them allows us to make sustainable decisions with which we’re happier. After all, ‘wisdom comes from multiple perspectives’.

If you’ve ever felt that your ‘heart’s just not in it’ , or felt ‘gutted; then you’ll already be aware of how these two intelligences show up in our everyday language. We know from various studies that metaphor and meaning are deeply embodied now mBraining allows you to unlock the process of embodiment at a neurological level. Some people hear about emotional intelligence and try to ‘get their head around it’, but the clue is in the title and emotions are generated below the neck. Similarly, there has been much talk on the internet about intuitive intelligence, but until now; no field has provided the fundamental how to develop and use it. mBIT is a cutting edge field capturing attention in wellbeing, in coaching, health, education and more, that unlocks the core competencies of your multiple brains with powerful, simple and gentle techniques to quickly align your brains via their highest expressions and generate more wisdom and success in your life. At last, neuroscience comes together with ancient wisdom practices to give us the simple and practical way to a happier, healthier us! Reb Veale mBIT Trainer & Master Coach
To find out more or book onto one of our mBraining courses email mbit@revealsolutions.co.uk