mBraining using multiple intelligences. We all make decisions many times a day throughout our lives, and we make those with the best intentions, but what if we are making them not using our multiple intelligences, but using one to override the others, or neglecting one altogether, or making decisions with the wrong brain!
The chances are you, like virtually everyone in the world, will have been doing that or have done that and probably not realised it. We probably have witnessed the consequences though, that the outcome was not the best it could have been or we didn’t get what we thought or felt we wanted.
So do we really have as much control over the quality of the decisions that we make as is being suggested? Can we really make better decisions for ourselves and for humanity? Yes.
We have known in the past how to do it, and now in the present, some people are continuing to do it. Interestingly, it’s those very people who the majority identify as being wise, being compassionate, being creative & being courageous. They are the people frequently admired and highlighted as those who make a lasting difference in the world.
mBraining is where we receive the communications our multiple intelligences give to us, integrate that information into our decision making to achieve better outcomes.
And we all want better outcomes, right?
We all have multiple intelligences, neuroscience confirms their existence, in fact neuroscience describes them as brains; complex, flexible and adaptive neural networks capable of taking in information, storing it and using it to inform and make decisions.
How fantastic, it could sound a little far fetched for some people, but the awareness of these other intelligences, ‘brains’ has been known about for hundreds of years and as such, humans have been using them unconsciously since we have been on the planet. What has changed though, is life itself. We are living in a world created not just by nature, but by the product of our own inventiveness.

As we, human beings, have developed technologies, the way we live our life has changed, our educational systems have focused on development of the head brain and on the whole, we measure and reward our children on their academic achievements.

The foods that we eat and they way that we consume them has changed, the pace at which we live our lives and the expectations we place not only on ourselves, but on others also has increased.
The developments in artificial intelligence will bring further changes to both what can be achieved and also what we no longer need to direct our attention towards.
Technology brings many benefits however with benefits come drawbacks and consequences. Balance and equilibrium are at the heart in nature and when things get out of balance, the consequences become clearer and more dramatic.
So what? You may be saying to yourself, how can I make a difference? It will all be alright in the end! Or will it?
Mankind has some choices to make and based upon previous performance, we are not always that good at making them for the long term; focusing mainly on what are the benefits to me individually first and foremost and maybe for others but not being willing to think about sustainability beyond our own lifetime so much. As the old anonymous Greek proverb states “Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
Here are just a few things that you may be aware of in your life but don’t currently know how to improve the results.
Health issues, like anxiety and stress.
Medical issues around weight and eating, gut issues like tummy pains, inflammation and allergies.
Relationship matters with loved ones and work colleagues.
Actions that you may be taking in your life to achieve certain feelings that are not in the long term beneficial to you or serving you well.
So in summary
Science knows we have multiple intelligences We know each brain’s prime function (what it does best) And we know we enjoy a better quality of life, when we use them effectively to generate emergent wisdom for ourselves. You have come this far, make the next positive step by booking onto an mBIT certification training.